County Trust is the charitable arm of County Financial Limited by which we aim to make a difference in our world through the financial support of projects providing relief, value and dignity to those who are economically, socially and institutionally poor and oppressed. By so doing we aim to express the love and mercy of God of which we ourselves are grateful recipients.

County allocates a share of the profits made in each year to County Trust which then looks to support suitable projects around the world. The criteria for finding suitable charitable projects and charities are that they should be:

  • Meeting the needs of the most desperate and poorest of people in our world.
  • That they should be accountable for the use of money given to them
  • That we would be able to identify exactly how our money has been spent and the effect it has had on the lives of the recipients

It has been hard work finding the charities which meet our criteria, but after 10 years we feel that we have a number of excellent charities with which we work on a regular basis. In a sense, they have been proved by County Trust over the years to be both effective and faithful.

COUNTY TRUST – Criteria for giving

In seeking to maximise the impact of our giving, the responses to the following 6 key questions are key when considering supporting a project.

We also believe that charitable giving can be an effective part of a tax planning strategy. Not only this, but we believe that when we give we derive personal satisfaction and enlargement in a special way by a connection with the world in which we live.
The County Charities Catalogue and Charities Corner are simply our attempt to pass on our experience in the area of charitable giving which we hope will be an encouragement, help and blessing to many of our clients.


County Trust would like to recommend the organisations on the right of this page. By clicking on the logos you can discover more about each charity and find a link to the corresponding web sites.

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